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Shenzhen Headquarters for Prevention and Control of Pneumonia Epidemic Caused by Novel Coronavirus Issued Measures to Build and Improve A Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism in Residential Communities

信息来源:深圳市人民政府外事办公室 信息提供日期:2020-02-08 17:50 【字体: 视力保护色:


On February 7, Shenzhen Headquarters for Prevention and Control of Pneumonia Epidemic Caused by Novel Coronavirus officially issued Measures to Build and Improve A Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism in Residential Communities, which proposed to implement more strict and rigorous prevention and control measures in residential communities. 


First. Stick with 100% in five aspects. 

1. 100% of the residential areas shall be closed-off for management. 

2. 100% home quarantine shall be imposed on those who have been to the epidemic outbreak areas within 14 days.

3. 100% collective quarantine shall be imposed on those who have been in close contact with the patients confirmed with pneumonia caused by novel coronavirus.

4. 100% of the residents’ body temperature shall be measured at entering and exiting the residence. 

5. 100% landlords and tenants shall be well-informed with their information registered and every responsibility accounted.

  其次,认真执行“十个一律”。一是所有小区、城中村在出入口处一律设立检查登记卡,尽量减少出入口;二是对目前仍在湖北的小区住户,社区一律会同相关单位通知其暂不返深,已经返深的要严格执行居家隔离措施;三是发现发热病人一律第一时间向社区报告,登记身份信息、联系电话,及时送到医院就医;四是外来人员和车辆一律不得进入小区,特殊情况经住户同意进入的要做好登记备案;所有社区小区居住人员应通过微信小程序“深 i 您—自主申报”、“i 深圳”微信公众号、APP 等平台,自主申报个人信息,并凭获取的系统认证图码进出小区。五是从市外旅游、探亲等返回深圳的住户一律进行排查,问询了解其近14天内的居住史、旅行史、接触史;六是出现确诊病例的住宅楼单元一律实行14天的硬隔离,在显眼处张贴“因疫情防控工作需要,本楼实行隔离管理”的告示。对居家隔离、楼栋整体隔离管理的住户,由社区工作人员会同志愿者提供送餐上门、清理 垃圾、代购生活用品等无接触服务。七是所有外卖、快递、投递等一律实行无接触配送,在小区出入口处中转存取;八是小区住户一律不串门、不聚餐,严格落实在公共场所戴口罩的要求;九是楼道、电梯和小型封闭场所每日一律进行消毒,做到不留死角;十是非涉及居民生活必需的社区公共场所一律关闭,停止举办一切群众聚集性活动。

Second, earnestly implement the “Ten Rules”.

1. Check points shall be set up at all entrances and exits of all residences and urban villages, and the number of entrances and exits shall be reduced as much as possible. 

2. All residents who are currently in Hubei Province shall be informed by their community and relevant departments not to return to Shenzhen temporarily. For those who have already returned, they are subject to quarantine at home. 

3. When any fever patient is detected, report to the community at once. Record the patient’s information and phone number, and then send him/her to hospital immediately.

4. All visitors and their vehicles are not allowed to enter the residence. If there are special circumstances and with the consent of the residents, registration and filing of those visitors and their vehicles is a must. All residents should voluntarily report their personal information through WeChat mini-programs “Shen i U-Voluntary Reporting”, “i Shenzhen” WeChat official accounts, APPs among others, and enter and exit the residence based on the verification images and codes. 

5. Residents who have returned to Shenzhen from travelling or visiting relatives outside Shenzhen shall be subject to inquiries and check regarding the history of living, traveling and contacts over the past 14 days. 

6. Buildings with confirmed cases of infection shall be subject to a 14-day mandatory quarantine. Notices that say “ The building is under quarantine in order to prevent and control the epidemic ” should be put up in conspicuous places. Contactless services including food delivery, waste disposal and necessity delivery will be provided by community workers and volunteers to residents under home quarantine or in entirely-quarantined buildings. 

7. Delivery of food, parcels and other items will be conducted in a contactless manner. All delivered items will be left at the entrance of the residence for pick-up later.

8. Residents shall wear face masks in public spaces and shall not visit each other or dine together.

9. Disinfection will be performed in staircases, elevators and other closed spaces on a daily basis, with no corner left out.

10. Public places in communities not related to residents’ daily necessities shall be shut down. All gatherings and public activities shall be suspended.
