Shenzhen Government Online
World Animal Day marked in Longhua
From: Shenzhen Daily
Updated: 2023-10-07 11:10

World Animal Day, celebrated annually Oct. 4, is a global social movement that aims to improve animal welfare standards. This significant day brings together individuals, animal welfare organizations, and the broader community, all working towards a common goal of better protection and care for all animal species on our planet.


A dog in traditional-style “owner-pet outfits.” Photos courtesy of Mission Hills Group

As a pet-friendly resort, Mission Hills has organized pet carnivals multiple times on World Animal Day at Mission Hills Mall in Longhua District. This year’s Mission Hills theme was “traditional Chinese style costumes for pets.” The event showcased a wide variety of theatrical costumes, accessories, and traditional-style “owner-pet outfits.” Pet owners were challenged to create a “traditional Chinese style” look for their adorable pets.

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Pet owners and pets in “Human-Pet Relay Race.”

The festivities also featured games such as “Run in All Directions” and “Human-Pet Relay Race,” which tested the physical and cooperative abilities of pets and their owners, making the entire event exciting and enjoyable.

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A scene at the pet carnival at Mission Hills Mall in Longhua District.

The concept of World Animal Day originated from Heinrich Zimmermann, a writer and editor of the German publication “Man and Dog.” Zimmermann organized the first World Animal Day event on March 24, 1925, at the Sports Palace in Berlin, Germany. He tirelessly promoted World Animal Day, and in May 1931, his proposal to observe Oct. 4 as World Animal Day was unanimously accepted at the International Animal Protection Congress in Florence, Italy. Since then, the day has been celebrated worldwide as a dedicated day for animal rights and welfare.

This year’s global theme for World Animal Day 2023 was “Big or small, we love them all.”
