Shenzhen Government Online
New efforts launched to further improve garbage classification
From: Shenzhen Daily
Updated: 2021-09-07 09:09

On the occasion of the city’s first anniversary of the implementation of the garbage sorting regulation, Shenzhen has launched a new round of law enforcement campaigns to further improve citizen’s awareness starting yesterday.

Yesterday morning, Xingyuehaoting and Yushenghuating residential communities in Xinqiao Subdistrict, Bao’an District, were found not keeping garbage bins clean as required. The communities’ property management companies were each given a fine of 2,000 yuan (US$309.7) and required to rectify the irregularities.

Inspections will be focused on wrongdoings exposed at residential communities such as residents randomly dumping unsorted garbage, property management companies failing to keep a clean environment around waste collection sites and forgetting to timely transport collected waste for disposal from Sept. 6 to 12, the first week of the first phase of the law enforcement campaign.

During the second week of the first phase of the campaign (Sept. 13-19), restaurants, hotels, commercial office buildings and wet markets will be the key focus of the campaign, according to the city’s urban management authority.

Serious violators will be punished during the third week of the first phase of the campaign (Sept. 20-26), while the second phase of the campaign will be from Sept. 27 until the end of December.

