Shenzhen Government Online
Service Bureau for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises of Shenzhen Municipality
From: Shenzhen Government Online
Updated: 2020-07-24 10:07

Main duties:

1. Implement national, provincial, and municipal laws, regulations and policies on the development of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and the private economy. Guide services for SMEs in Shenzhen. Coordinate and organize the supervision and inspection of promoting SME development. Coordinate and solve major issues related to the development of SMEs and the private economy.

2. Organize the drafting and implementation of local laws, regulations, and policies on the development of SMEs and the private economy. Formulate and organize the implementation of the medium and long-term plans and annual plans for SMEs and the private economy.

3. Manage special funds and related funds for the private economy and SMEs. Organize SMEs to apply for various kinds of special national funds for the development of SMEs.

4. Promote international exchanges and cooperation of private enterprises and SMEs in technology, services, products, and talents. Support private enterprises and SMEs to actively expand domestic and foreign markets.

5. Coordinate and contact industry associations, relevant departments, and other institutions. Invite all kinds of social resources to jointly promote the construction of public service platforms. Plan, encourage, and promote the construction and operation of all kinds of SME innovation and entrepreneurship bases in Shenzhen, and establish and perfect an all-round service system for SME cultivation.

6. Provide comprehensive coordination services for the restructuring and listing of private enterprises and SMEs. Promote and improve the investment and financing markets for private enterprises and SMEs.

7. Promote the development of private enterprises and SMEs and the establishment of a modern enterprise system. Promote the integrated development of SMEs and large enterprises.

8. Encourage and support SMEs to make independent innovation, and promote technological progress, information application, personnel training, and management. Guide and promote entrepreneurship of SMEs.

9. Take the lead in handling complaints by private enterprises and SMEs, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of private enterprises and SMEs.

10. Complete other tasks assigned by the CPC Shenzhen Municipal Committee, Shenzhen Municipal People’s Government, and superior authorities.
